Once known as the Vancouver Typography Meetup Group, Type Brigade is Vancouver’s type speaker series, with regular typography, lettering, and type design talks from local and extended creative communities sharing their mutual love of typography. Along with hosting workshops and events, the growing popularity of the group led them to further promote themselves online with an engaging visual identity. The goals of the new branding would help Type Brigade to become recognized outside of the city, provide awareness to visiting speakers, expand their following and impact on social media, draw bigger name future speakers and have more sway on bringing design events to Vancouver.
Type Brigade
Type Brigade
Nancy was the best possible partner we could have hoped for to collaborate with on this project. Designing for other graphic designers can be particularly challenging, but Nancy’s research, concept development, execution and personal involvement all went well above our expectations. Before Nancy, we had gone nearly 5 years without a proper design system. Now, her work has given us a visual voice that makes us recognizable and unique, and the process has given us a renewed enthusiasm internally.
— Kenneth Ormandy, Lead Organizer