Sacred Canopy

Sacred Canopy

What most impressed me about your work, Nancy, was how thoroughly you applied yourself to understanding the "soul" of our organization, even going so far as to attend one of our public events. With your intelligence in grasping a range of concepts and your easy-going conversational style you were able to get at the heart of our organizational mandate. You captured who we are in a strong yet subtle mark that will serve our organization for years to come.
— Tama Ward Balisky / writer, producer, director

Sacred Canopy Society is a storytelling guild sharing sacred stories to connect and unite cultural communities. The guild acts as a hub for developing and distributing story guild resources, connecting deeply with the human experience via theater arts and performance. The logo design hints at storytelling and building blocks using a combination of shapes to suggest sound, digital feeds & window frames (with both artistic and holistic symbolism). This combination of graphic elements serves the idea of linking different stories, faiths, cultures, performers, and audiences. Sacred Canopy seeks to contribute and connect together people for a united purpose of nurturing the human spirit & cultural traditions.