Artefact Eyewear

Artefact Eyewear

In the intensity of starting a new company, getting everything ready can be overwhelming at times. Designing a logo is one of those things I wanted to be done right. I looked at what online services had to offer and couldn't bear the idea of ending up with a common or generic logo. I'm forever thankful to have found Nancy who helped us go thru this so easily and at a price that didn't break the bank. It was a wonderful experience!
— David Therrien, Craftsman & Owner

Artefact Eyewear makes wooden glass frames—fashionable art inspired by nature that everyone can wear. “Artefact” has multiple meanings: a rare object made by a human, of cultural or historical interest. The word broken down is Arte: by or using art + Factum: something made. The aim of the logo design was to be versatile, accessible and easily recognizable to be branded in all sizes and materials on handmade pieces or wearable handcrafted pieces of art.

Logotype outtake